
Avid Arithmetic


I started this app as a learning exercise for both my son and myself; he was 6 years old at the time and was struggling with basic arithmetic (ah, the good old multiplications tables :), while I was starting to contract for developing mobile apps.

So I took the challenge to develop something useful and stimulating with a bit of competition against each other. The first app was natively android (I was crazy with the newly released SDK at the time). But for the new version, I wanted to also have it running on iPhone and using what I am using now, mainly Svelte Typescript and Capacitor.


  • A test presents questions sequentially.
  • There is a njumber of questions that can be configured as limited or illimited.
  • It can be cancellable or not.
  • Time can be limited or not, for each question or the full test.
  • one cannot come back to correct or review a question.
  • There are no negative points applied to wrong answers.


  • Save results.
  • Competitions.